Physical Therapy

Treatments for Injuries and Chronic Pain

Physical Therapy treats your injuries or chronic physical health problems. You may not be able to fully perform your everyday tasks after suffering an injury. Physical therapy relieves pain, improve your fitness level, and restores your physical functions. The goal of physical therapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier.

A Doctor of Physical Therapy will first examine you and create an individualized treatment plan. Your treatment plan considers your flexibility, strength, balance and endurance. Ongoing treatment will help you recover after surgery or an injury. In addition, a therapy treatment plan will reduce chronic health problems. For instance, therapy helps with back pain, osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. Treatments also help you with COPD, stroke, MS, and Parkinson’s Disease.

Wellness on Wheels provides physical therapy as a standalone treatment, or with other services such as massage, nutrition, guided imagery and meditation.

We can design these programs for individuals or for groups of any size. These programs available in Los Angeles, San Fernando and South Bay.